Lawsuit victory document


Track record of my mom's financial extractions, from my Bank of America account... as of 11/21/18 (via the cellular application known as 'Zelle')


[I suspect that this list was arranged, from decreasing to increasing severity of crime (top to bottom)... in the context, of the background information/variables/factors... that substantiate, who each featured person... is]
What is a 3rd Degree Felony? Charges, Defense & More ( (apparently, degrees range from 1-5, with 1 being worst)

[On 12/20/16, JJ got in trouble with law enforcement (he was arrested, at 3:25 PM... which is 15:25, in terms of 'military time')... for the transportation of heroin... JJ was 25 years old, then...]

9:10 AM (2/7/23): As of the Fall of 2023, it will have been 5 years since I have seen JJ/John Jr. (John Izuchukwu)... face-to-face... and I suspect, such is attributable... to the gravity of the aforementioned... Atop the list is 'simple assault,' which might be something like an altercation in public... where someone was in a fist fight, with someone else... 

...Simple assault in New Jersey is a misdemeanor, though (such is not a felony)

What is the difference between simple assault and aggravated assault? - Villani & DeLuca, P.C. (

10:24 AM (2/7/23): "The lawsuit victory document of mine (above) and the basis for the filing, is confirmation that JJ was engaging in recidivism (inclination to once again, violate the law)... given that the judge had ruled in favor of the plaintiff (who I was)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

see (for elaboration): IN THE CLASSROOM (




New Jersey Heroin Attorney | Possession of Heroin Charges (


What is a 3rd Degree Felony? Charges, Defense & More (


Difference Between Felony and Crime | Compare the Difference Between Similar Terms


Criminal Law: The Differences Between a Felony & a Misdemeanor | Articles from Grabel & Associates (

12:57 PM (6/28/22): 

"Interestingly, the elapsed time between my Seton Hall University graduation... on 5/18/15, and JJ's committing of a felony... on 12/20/16, is 1 year, 7 months & 2 days... I say this because when I had been working as a behavioral technician, at Ascendant NY... there was a vacation period... and the very next day after such began (7/2/18, to my recollection), JJ had been requesting money... to address those, he had been indebted to... for paraphernalia usage. Given I had been cohabiting at the Harclay House apartment complex (with him and my mom, then), I refrained from doing so... and decided to go to a hospital instead (East Orange General Hospital, in East Orange, NJ), when 'emergency personnel' showed up on the scene... and my mom threatened to 'evict' me from her apartment, if I did not acquiesce/agree to JJ's demands... I had been discharged from there, on 7/9/18... and returned to work... but little did I know, that a series of financial requests from JJ... would ensue, as of 11/21/18... resulting in my lawsuit victory against my mom (for taking money from me, for JJ's assistance), on 3/6/19..." - Michael Izuchukwu


Money Destroys Family | YouTube Short - YouTube


Calculate Duration Between Two Dates – Results ( []

1:14 PM (6/28/22):
"Maybe JJ was scared (for his future), when he saw me returning from my job... at Ascendant NY, in scrubs (when I had been working there - 6/3/18 to 9/16/18)... and was thinking to himself, at home, 'how long was it from when Michael graduated from Seton Hall University, to the day... I committed my first felony... perhaps there is a way, to deflect from myself. I must find the time, to strike'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

8:02 AM (9/9/22):

"The above video would likely make JJ scared, about time's passage... and his relatability to women, in the context of his present mark... on the world... Such was uploaded to YouTube, '2 years' after the incident... that I referenced above, regarding 7/2/18... which was likely spurred by JJ's insecurities. He knew that at the time, he was 26 years old, had no college degree (he was dismissed from the University of Pittsburgh, sometime after he enrolled there in 2010), and had a history of paraphernalia usage... and thus, when he saw me returning from work... on a daily basis (in scrubs)... when I had been employed at Ascendant NY, from 6/3/18 to 9/16/18... he likely assumed that he had an opportunity, to enrich himself... via 'illicit means'... given he had a presumption I was making 'big money,' and had an inferiority complex..." - Michael Izuchukwu


(a 'Coffee Meets Bagel' match, of mine... from 9:08 AM, on 9/29/22)

9:50 AM (9/29/22):

(file details, to this video - Examining some books at Barnes & Noble (Livingston, NJ - 12:01 PM, on 9/28/22) - YouTube - I find the parallel of the '2-51-56', interesting... given I just happened to recollect, those integers/numbers... from the day before, via my 'alternative phone')

2:46 PM (11/11/22):
"...I haven't seen JJ since late 2018, so I have concluded there is something quite 'serious'... about the term 'felony'... Good thing such was third-degree, as opposed to second-degree (see above - first link, of four)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

2:56 PM (11/11/22): 
"JJ has probably thought to himself, had Jimmy* given me anymore of that substance (heroin)... I would be looking at 5 to 10 years of incarceration (behind bars), so let me just pretend that this happened in a benign way... where I don't see my relatives often (if at all)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(sample drug stop, but at night... instead of the afternoon...)
The time 15:25 is military time, corresponding to 3:25 in the afternoon...


7:44 AM (5/5/23):
"What can I do, for the department of CNN...?" - JJ (theoretically, due to his 'international justice' degree... from Montclair State University)
>>>perhaps JJ's impression, is that he could 'speak, from home'... on TV (as some people, are portrayed)
At some point in the 2001 film 'A Beautiful Mind,' John Nash (the character) asks 'what can I do, for the department of defense'... (to my recollection)

2:25 PM (4/30/23):

2:00 PM (4/29/23):
In the context of this article (and the blog that precedes such), I surmised that my middle brother (JJ/John Jr.) was thinking to himself... earlier today, 'the days are now shorter'... in the context, of his previous trouble... with law enforcement, in 2016...
NOTE #2:
I'm not exactly sure, but the reason I have not seen JJ... face-to-face, for 5 years... as of the Fall, of 2023 (and why he never accompanies my mom and I, on outings - Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz297) | TikTok ...or attends family gatherings)... is potentially due to 'home confinement,' as the 'above' Joe Biden article... references... Perhaps that was 'the deal (stipulation),' that was made... to avoid jail time (incarceration)... least, that is 'technically' what is going on... in the context, of the aforementioned...
>>> JJ was not in attendance, and perhaps my mom would be too embarassed... to disclose, the 'legitimate' basis... for his absences... ...but if that's not the case, such is 'self-imposed'...
>>> I see no other compelling reason, to explain why 'I' have not seen JJ... for the stated time interval... and I surmise that when I was being financially extorted by him (via my mom, coercing me to facilitate JJ's loan requests... so that he could reimburse thugs, he had been indebted to... for paraphernalia usage), my mom ultimately did not want me to cohabit with them any longer (in March 2019, after having been at East Orange, NJ's 'Harclay House' apartment complex... for nearly 2 years)... due to the hypothesis, that JJ had been subject to 'home confinement'... This implies, that my mom only allowed JJ to borrow her car... because he was giving the impression, that his life was 'on the line'... due to whom, he had been associating with... and he did not want to cross paths with them, in public (perhaps JJ was tired, of staying at home)...
>>> a sense, I guess JJ had to sneak out of 'that home'... via that excuse (which was perceived, as valid)... Supposedly, he has been alloted a few excursions... outside of his dwelling... and was permitted, to get his education (as of May 20, 2022... JJ got his undergraduate degree, in 'international justice'... having initially matriculated at the University of Pittsburgh, in the Fall of 2010)
>>> mom attests that JJ has not driven her car ('he doesn't have one') for the past 4 years...
NOTE #3:
'Persons convicted of possession of less than one-half ounce of heroin may be sentenced to three to five years of prison, a maximum fine of $35,000, and a license suspension...'
(there are 16 ounces, in a pound... so the above benchmark, is referring to less than '3.125% (1/32)'... of a pound)
>>>It's interesting that JJ was arrested at 3:25 PM, on 12/20/16... in the context, of the aforementioned... ... Given that there is the phrase 'opposites attract & likes repel,' maybe there's some implication that JJ 'repelled/opposed' the 3.125% of a pound...
(maybe something happens, if you have exactly 'half an ounce'... as opposed to 'less than' that)
NOTE #4:
Maybe some type of deal/exchange, was made... Instead of 3-5 years 'behind bars'.... JJ likely got a number of years, for 'home confinement (house arrest)'... retrospect, when I think about 'notes 1-5'... things begin to make more sense...
(how else, are his absences 'and silence'... explained...? Given that he had committed a crime, I assume there was some 'punitive measure'...)
12 Years a Slave BRAD PIT SCENE - YouTube (1:14-1:38), 1:49 PM (5/1/23)
""I've traveled this country for the best part of twenty years; freedom is everything... the fact that I can walk out of here, tomorrow... brings me, great pleasure. Life doesn't mean much to anyone; it seems yours might mean a lot, to a whole lot of people..." – Bass (to Solomon Northup)
"You must be the change you wish to see, in the world..." - Mahatma Gandhi 
(the connotation/implied meaning of Mahatma's quote... is that in the context of utilitarianism, one must do the greatest good one can... during one's life, so that one can make genuine... spiritual progress)
NOTE #5:
Based off what JJ did (although the amount of heroin, is not specified), regarding the highlight in this blog - BAD BROTHER ( ... given there was no 'discernible' jail time, there must have been some alternative... he selected...
"JJ, if you're at home all time time... thinking you're out in the world... then I have to be a real woman..." - Stacy Cay (transgender woman)
(YouTube channel of my middle brother, JJ/John Jr. - recently, such was set to 'private')
NOTE #6:
The 'symptoms,' seem to corroborate... my legal assessment/diagnosis... of JJ's status quo... ...if I'm wrong, please tell me... that I am... (my hypothesis, is that JJ did not want the stigma... of going to prison - imagine what being inside a cell, is like... for long durations)
prison cell - YouTube, 6:12 PM on 5/4/23
(time is relative to the observer, and its passage is influenced... by one's location... due to the nature, of spacetime... and how gravity, can distort 'perception'... of the flow)
NOTE #7:
I guess JJ wanted to 'go home'...
(as of 9:51 AM, on 5/1/23... my impression is that had JJ done the '3-5' years, behind bars... he presently would have the liberty, to not be under 'home confinement'... ...assuming, he had not selected... the alternative... for a window of time, which I know not of... Staying at home, all the time... matches the stipulations, of 'home confinment'... ...and yet, I knew not of this... during the window of time... JJ sought, to 'financially extort me'... when I had been cohabiting with him and my mom, at East Orange, NJ's Harclay House apartment complex... from 2017-2019
"At the end of the day, you have to wonder... what is the value of one's years (time)... in the context, of one's time on Earth... being limited... Assuming JJ was in fact sentenced to 'home confinement,' how does 3-5 years in a prison cell (and then release), compare (hypothetically) to 10, 15 or 20... in my mom's apartment... Better walls, perhaps... but is that what 7-17 years... of one's life... equates to...?" - Michael Izuchukwu, 6:58 PM, 5/4/23

"...something about the value, of one's suffering... 'Certain' suffering, can ease... one's plight..." - Michael Izuchukwu (risk versus reward)


[if my mom didn't have to pay any fine (and JJ didn't have to go to prison), then that may imply there was a 'lengthier' sentence... of the 'home confinement alternative'... as a 'compensatory measure'], 8:34 PM (5/4/23)

"To live is to suffer; to survive, is to find some meaning... in the suffering..." - Friedrich Nietzsche

JJ was in possession of 'an amount,' of heroin... on 12/20/16 (he had a history of paraphernalia usage)
JJ was arrested (mugshot was taken)
JJ has been experiencing 'voluntary or involuntary' home confinement, for a number of years (I haven't seen him, face-to-face... since the Fall of 2018)
There is a sentence, for a crime... in the context, of federal law (JJ either got a standard-format sentence, or took an alternative)
JJ never initiates a phone call with me; he's as 'quiet, as a church mouse'...
[what can be inferred, from these '5' notations]

What is home confinement?

Home confinement is an alternative to jail or prison. Rather than being kept behind bars, people spend the time confined in their home.

see: Home Confinement Rules - 5 That Are Typical (


house arrest should be used only for offenders who would normally not be let out on bail or in cases where a very high bail is set but is reduced on the condition of house arrest. House arrest at this stage is particularly useful for juveniles, who are commonly detained for long periods of time prior to adjudication for minor offenses only to be released following adjudication and sentencing.

House arrest is also used as criminal sanction meted out by judges at sentencing. The purposes of house arrest at sentencing are to administer a reasonable punishment, protect public safety, reserve jail space for more-serious offenders, reduce the potential criminogenic effects of incarceration, and help rehabilitate the offender. The basic goal in this case is to provide a cost-effective alternative to incarceration. House arrest may cover the entire length of a sentence or only a part of it.

see: House arrest | law | Britannica

NOTE #8:
JJ had a 'window cleaning' business, [in the years preceding his obtaining... of an 'international justice' degree, from Montclair State University (via 'remote means')... and after his 'dismissal,' from the University of Pittsburgh (for reasons I know not of)... shortly after matriculating there, in 2010]...
NOTE #10:
In high school, JJ had been given a 'guaranteed spot' in the medical school program... of the University of Pittsburgh, contingent on him staying there... for 8 years, and doing well... in its undergraduate curriculum... (1:15 PM, 5/1/23)
NOTE #11:
7:12 PM (4/29/23): 
Footage of actor Lee Jung-jae, turning a corner... amidst paparazzi

Footage of Hamdan bin Mohammed Al Maktoum, the crown prince of Dubai (a city in the country of 'United Arab Emirates') since 2008... greeting his associates (and/or friends)...


Home Confinement and Electronic Monitoring Literature Review (
