
Showing posts from September, 2022


Lawsuit victory document & Track record of my mom's financial extractions, from my Bank of America account... as of 11/21/18 (via the cellular application known as 'Zelle') 12 YEARS A SLAVE: "Where You From, Platt?" - YouTube ... Want to See What Happens When You Defund the Police? Here's the Devastating and Deadly Impact - YouTube (1:05-1:31), 7:20 AM... on 9/22/23 [I suspect that this list was arranged, from decreasing to increasing severity of crime (top to bottom)... in the context, of the background information/variables/factors... that substantiate, who each featured person... is] >>> New Jersey Heroin Attorney | Possession of Heroin Charges ( & What is a 3rd Degree Felony? Charges, Defense & More (  (apparently, degrees range from 1-5, with 1 being worst) [On 12/20/16, JJ got in trouble with law enforcement (he was arrested, at 3:25 PM... which is 15:25, in terms of 'military time')... for t